anyone tried trying or gonna try WoW WOTLK?

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anyone tried trying or gonna try WoW WOTLK?

Postby EmeryaldPhoenixx » Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:02 pm

and if you have tried or are trying it, is it any good so far? and if you are going to try it and just haven't yet, please post what you think about it, I am considering getting it but don't want to get something that is going to suck monkey butt.

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Postby EmeryaldPhoenixx » Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:03 pm

just still wondering if anyone playing still, warhammer sux, daoc sux and they dont seem interested in bringing out origins because it will hurt their titanic warhammer game.

wanted to know if expans any good if any playing and if i would be all alone or not.



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Postby Lilae » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:21 pm

I'm still in WAR. Can't afford WotLK so that isn't an option right now :(

Lilae Peutiann - 50 shaman DAoC Galahad
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Postby Killmour » Sun May 03, 2009 7:55 pm

I just upgraded the other day. I know this is probably old news for everyone now, since I'm such a latecomer to this game, but wow, I really liked the upgrade. I started a DK and the Ebon Hold Instance quest chains are really quite cool, with a very satisfying storyline. Now I can start a level 55 DK on any server. So...are you guys all on Thunderlord? If so, alliance or horde?
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Postby Lilae » Tue May 05, 2009 4:14 pm

last i heard there were still some aussies on Thunderlord/alliance.

I'm currently on Destromath/alliance, but not sure what I'm going to end up doing.

Lilae Peutiann - 50 shaman DAoC Galahad


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Postby McPhisto » Thu May 14, 2009 5:05 am

there a few on Thnderlord on Alliance in a guid called leftovers .. VT is still there but mostly no one on.

there are a few mor of us on Proudmore in Horde called Aurora Australis .. yeah its an aussie guild but has a fair share of americans in it, and some old VT'ers (who some are offline at the moment :cry: )

come on over killa... or anyone... mention you know me for instant invite.

WotLK is awesome.. best expansion yet

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Postby Lilae » Thu May 14, 2009 12:19 pm

one of you guys from Leftovers look for Lilae or Minae on Destromath/Alliance and I'll be happy to come over to TL and give someone VT GM.

Lilae Peutiann - 50 shaman DAoC Galahad


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Postby WUNBadassTHANE » Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:39 pm

BEHOLD!!!! The gaseous stench of SKELETOR's breakfast burrito!!!!

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Postby WUNBadassTHANE » Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:53 am

^^ what he said
BEHOLD!!!! The gaseous stench of SKELETOR's breakfast burrito!!!!

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